57% of online gamers playing more than one hour a day

With 57% of online gamers playing more than one hour a day, developers should really think about online games’ profitability today. Many software developers and coders are specifically looking for programs and apps that will be profitable for them if they have the skills required. People who make a living coding app will often spend lots of time trying to devise all sorts of great new app ideas. It seems that the savvier developers out there should try to focus on creating some great new smartphone games.


People shouldn’t just look at the number of people who like to play mobile games. They should look at the amount of time that people spend on their phones or other mobile devices playing these games, and that should be enough to help them make better decisions related to what to code and release and when. Marketing to one hundred people who spend huge portions of their days reading is a better strategy for a writer than marketing to one thousand people who only read occasionally. It seems that since 57% of online gamers are playing more than one hour a day, people are going to get the best of both worlds if they decide to code and program mobile gaming apps.

Naturally, certain games will be more popular than others, even among the very extremely voracious gamers of today. Developers need to be able to create games that people are going to want to play over and over again, as well as games that people are going to be tempted to share. People who are offering free games are never going to have a problem getting downloads. In some cases, they can leave the games up there, and they’re going to manage to get the attention they want. However, there is a big difference between a game that costs a dollar and a game that’s free in the eyes of a lot of people online. The games that are paid in some way will need something built into them that is actually going to encourage people. Games that need to be paid with people are automatically going to be the sorts of games people share. Designing a game to be shared with people will make it more popular almost immediately. Very habit-forming games are also going to be the sorts of games that get shared and get recommendations. People want the games they aren’t able to put down, and they usually share those experiences with other people on Wide News.

Casino games are often the sort of games that people will play by themselves. The pokies on sites like http://www.casinopokiesonline.com.au/ are very much the sorts of games that people will get hooked on independently. There are more social games on sites like casinopokiesonline.com.au/, so websites like these are more or less going to have the best of both worlds when it comes to the online games that they promote.

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