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Author: Jennie Gray

Jennie Gray

Food geek. Certified beer advocate. Troublemaker. Bacon guru. Freelance analyst. Alcoholaholic. Hockey fan, shiba-inu lover, DJ, vintage furniture lover and New School grad. Performing at the intersection of modernism and elegance to create not just a logo, but a feeling. German award-winning designer raised in Austria & currently living in New York City.

LED Headlights Gaining Popularity in the Auto Industry

LED Headlights Gaining Popularity in the Auto Industry

Light-emitting diodes have been used in many distinct applications as a light source, considering that they have been evolved in the early 1960s. For a previous couple of years, they've observed a growing quantity of

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Getting Educated on the Internet of Things

Getting Educated on the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things, or IoT for the brief, refers to the whole thing. This is related to the net. Any tool linked to the internet, whether it's a phone, tablet, espresso system, or headphones,

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