How does checkout process influence profits of your Magento store?

As a Magento store owner, you must hate to see customers abandoning their shopping carts before payment. WorldPay’s survey has shown that 49,3% of cart abandoners leave a store because they find the checkout process too complicated. This is not the only leakage of visitors – this is a leakage of profits you deserve after investing so much time and effort into your website.

Why won’t customers check out?

There can be various reasons for a user to stop the check-out and leave before making a purchase. The checkout process may look too long and detailed, or customers can get distracted and feel it difficult to concentrate on completing the purchase. Besides, buyers hate signing up before the checkout as most of them can’t understand why they have to do so, Tessla.

How to prevent customers from leaving?

So far, Magento has been a viral e-commerce web platform. It allows new and experienced store owners to drive more traffic to their websites, turn visitors into buyers and raise conversion rates. However, Magento is not crafted to fit your online store perfectly. There are special extensions that make the layout of your website more customer-friendly. For example, Magento Single-Step Checkout allows you to get a one-page checkout for Magento instead of six pages that the original version offers. You will design the checkout page according to your own preferences, rename checkout blocks and fully manage fields.

At the same time, your customers will see automatically updated prices and totals, shipping and payment methods. They will also be able to check out as a guest or register right on the checkout page. What is also important, Magento one page checkout will leave your visitors no extra time to change their minds and leave the cart. Applying one-page checkout for Magento will significantly simplify your customers’ checkout process, thus minimizing the drop-out percentage and boosting your profits.

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